For those who would like to join us, we will announce a restaurant to meet at after church. We will have a time to fellowship with each other, but there will be no "clean up" like we would if we did it in the fellowship hall! Hope to see you there!
Join us for our Mid-Week service on TUESDAY instead of WEDNESDAY! We will start a little early with tacos, and then have our mid-week service. There will be no Wednesday service this week.
Join us for our Mid-Week service on TUESDAY instead of WEDNESDAY! We will start a little early with tacos, and then have our mid-week service. There will be no Wednesday service this week.
Join us for our Mid-Week service on TUESDAY instead of WEDNESDAY! We will start a little early with tacos, and then have our mid-week service. There will be no Wednesday service this week.
Join us for our Mid-Week service on TUESDAY instead of WEDNESDAY! We will start a little early with tacos, and then have our mid-week service. There will be no Wednesday service this week.